Welcome to the fourth and final installment of How to And How Not to Sell Your Home!
4. Get rid of your clutter! While things like furniture and lawn chairs are ok, a potential buyer doesn’t want to see pictures of your dogs and cats, family mementos and other bits and pieces you leave around your house. They would much rather picture their things in your house, and your child’s stuffed animal collection could be preventing them from doing so.
4. Limit yourself to your broker. Two out of three buyers start their search online, so put yourself out there! Put your home on yahoo.com, craigslist.com, trulia.com, zillow.com, homes.com. You can even sell your house on ebay (it costs $150, and it’s noncommittal, so you can back out even if someone bids.) Many a good house has gone unnoticed because no-one knew about it. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t necessarily sell through a broker, it just means you have many other options instead of or alongside with.
Good luck and happy selling!