A few weeks ago I saw a video with the CEO of Vail Resorts. He was talking about marketing and advertising for their family of resorts.
Going into next year, their primary means of advertising will be through Facebook, other social media, online and video advertising . This includes eliminating or severely cutting print and other traditional advertising mediums. That’s amazing.
Not only will this be a dramatic cost savings which is necessary in today’s cost cutting environment, but it seems they think these new tools will be more effective than traditional advertising. Plus, it allows the resorts to adapt more quickly to rapidly shifting economies and market conditions to tailor their marketing to a weekly or even daily basis.
I think this is pretty much the way of real estate advertising and marketing, too. Particularly in Sun Valley where the vast majority of our customer base lives out of the area. They search online. They are looking for authentic, interactive and organic information. And they want it now. This is only found online and through social media. This is what drives a visitors decision to come to Sun Valley and potentially buy real estate.
Sure, they pick up the local glossy real estate magazine while they are here and thumb through the listings but that is not what got them here in the first place. Their interest came from far, far away. Online. That is why online is the only logical choice for real estate marketing.