Here’s another great example of a property that I listed for sale at a price that was based on today’s market condtions. The property hit the market on July 1st and immediately generated several showings but no offers. Over the next month, the Sellers and I made structured and graduated price reductions in an attempt to meet buyer demand.
Showings increased and within a short period of time, we were presented with an accepable offer. The total time the property was on the market from listing to close of escrow was approximately 3.5 months. In a balanced market, this is typically the amount of time a property should be on the market before it sells.
Another cool thing about this sale was that it was purchased as a vacation and retirement home for an older couple. It is great to see the trends in Hailey of second home ownership. Back in the day, I think few if any people considered Hailey, Idaho as a second home market. These days Hailey is definately on people’s radar as an alternate location to Sun Valley, Idaho for a vacation and second home location. It’s nice to see the broader real estate trend of the valley balancing out between Ketchum and Hailey.
Again, another example of a well priced home selling in a reasonable amount of time. Even in a challenging market. Feel free to leave a comment or inquiry below and maybe we can do the same for your property!