I think we can all agree we are in a buyer’s market. So why sell your house right now? Why would it make sense?
Selling in today’s means SELLING for less than you would have sold for several years ago. That’s a given. But buying today means BUYING for much less than you would have a few years ago. In other words this market cuts both ways. It can be a neutralizer or perhaps even an improved situation for a home owner. What you may lose on the selling end, you can make up for on the buying end.
Possibly an opportunity to move into a better home in a nicer neighborhood for an equivalent monthly payment. Plus, since mortgage rates are at all time lows, there is a good chance you would be able to lower the interest rate on your mortgage.
Would this make sense for you? Would this be a good time to find opportunity in a tough market? It’s something to think about.
It’s the ABC’s of real estate…..Always Be Creative. Give me a call to roll around some ideas.