After 16 years of being my own boss as a restaurateur, I’ve changed careers and am now a licensed realtor! Everything is new. New products. New lingo. New protocols. New associates. The list is long, but I’m excited, enthusiastic and eager to become a high producing agent.
Last week, I took some new clients, along with their four year old daughter, out and showed property for the first time (yet another new). Naturally, I was a bit nervous, but mostly thrilled, as I pulled up to my very first showing. These days, most homes have electronic lock boxes that open with a key you insert into your Iphone. Once your key registers on your phone, you simply point (and shoot) at the lockbox, the lockbox opens and out drop the keys to the house.
As fate would have it, I couldn’t get my key working properly and consequently, couldn’t get the lock box open. Yikes! Starting to stress and hearing my internal dialogue, “Are you kidding me?!?” “Is this really happening?!?”
Well, because of my experience as a business owner, I’m used to problem solving on the fly. So, trying to keep my cool, I began checking the doors for the off chance one was unlocked. No such luck. As I made my way around back, the four year said, “What if I go in there?!?” as she pointed to the doggie door. YES!! She crawled in and with a little guidance from outside she unlocked the door.
Shazam…we were in!!! Needless to say, we had more than a few laughs. The clients ended up loving the house and are about to write up an offer….all because of the dog door.